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  • What are Inlays and Onlays
    Cosmetic Dentistry,  porcelain veneers

    What are Inlays and Onlays?

    Inlays and Onlays are sometimes words that you could hear dentists talking about, but you don’t know what they really mean. Inlays and Onlays are just implants who can be used to replace a normal filling procedure. The Inlays and Onlays are required when the patient has a tooth decay which is so bad that the dentist cannot repair the tooth with a normal filling procedure. Inlays and Onlays are two different type of implants and are used for different reasons, very much in the same way that veneers are used to make teeth look amazing on our patients in the Los Angeles area.

    Inlays :

    An Inlay is a sort of prosthesis who is put to repair directly a tooth just like normal fillings. The main difference between an Inlay and a filling is that the Inlay is invisible and he will adapt directly to your mouth. The Inlay is also reputed to be better in long-term than filling because you will have fewer complications. The procedure to put an Inlay is very easy, but this may require several visits to your dentist. The dentist will start by treating your decay and take the measurement for your new prosthesis before sending the prosthesis to a professional for the making. When you will come back for another appointment, the dentist will be ready to put the prosthesis in your mouth. This will only take a couple of minutes and this will be without any pain.

    Onlays :

    An Onlay is another prosthesis piece which is put on the internal tooth to repair and rebuild the tooth that is really decayed. The prosthesis is put directly on the decayed tooth compared to the inlay where the decay is treated before putting the prosthesis in the mouth. The Onlay is directly put on the tooth and this is a big advantage compared to a crown for example who can’t be put to a live tooth. The Onlay is also very good looking once put on the tooth. The procedure of an Onlay is very similar to the Inlay. The dentist will take a measurement for your new prosthesis and send it to the prosthetist.

    The only real disadvantage of having Inlays and Onlays is that this is very costly. The prices can be really high and this is not everyone who can afford these type of procedures. The good news is that Inlays and Onlays are reputed to be really good in long-term and you are sure to have no more complications compared to a standard fillings procedure. If you would like to learn more about our inlay procedures here in Encino, CA, please contact us.